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Prices (Posthumus)

This data base contains prices taken from the tables of absolute prices contained in volume 1 of N. W. Posthumus's Nederlandsche Prijsgeschiedenis (Leiden, 1943). For a detailed explanation of the sources of this data, see his Introduction, pp. XVIII-LXXIX. Posthumus took most of the quotations from published listings of the Amsterdam commodity exchange. The listings appeared irregularly from 1585 to 1609, weekly from 1609 to 1796, and twice a week from 1796 to 1813. Of the approximately 12,000 price currents that were issued between 1585 and 1813, Posthumus was able to find 3,033, or about one-fourth. There are, moreover, large gaps among these. Only 138 years are represented, so that numerous years are lacking, particularly before 1624, and between the years 1654-64, 1694-1701,1710-18, and 1722-28.

Posthumus also supplemented the information drawn from the price currents with data contained in other, more specialized price lists, from various printed periodicals and newspapers, from miscellaneous documents published by other historians, and from archival sources. All quotations before 1585 come from such sources. If Posthumus gave the specific source of the price, the information has been included in the on-screen note of MEMDB ("BLARO" refers to Brokers' Lists from the Amsterdam Record Office; for other abbreviations, see Posthumus).

Posthumus listed only monthly quotations, chosen from the list that appeared on the 15th day of each month, or as close as possible to this date. The quotations are given with the relevant weight or measure, and Posthumus indicated when the unit of measure changed, in some cases switching to a new series when one unit of measure replaced another. The prices were actually quoted in guilders, stuivers, and penningen(1 gulden = 20 stuivers = 320 penningen); or sometimes in Flemish pounds, shillings and pennies (1 pond = 20 schellingen = 240 groten); or, for grain prices, in "goudguldens" of 28 stuivers. Quotations in bank money ('banco'; currency of the Amsterdam Wisselbank) begin as early as 1634 and enter general use in 1683.

103780 matches of 103780 were found for your query.
Month, between
Year Between
Month / Year: 1682
Month / Year Sort descending Product (in English) Product (in Dutch) Volume Price currency Notes
4 / 1682 English Copperas Engelsch Koperrood (Couperose) 100 pounds 6.38 Guilders 51
4 / 1682 English Lead Engelsch Lood 100 pounds 6.60 Guilders 65
4 / 1682 Figs Vijgen 100 pounds 8.75 Guilders 13
4 / 1682 Fine Refined Sugar Fijne Faffinade pound 0.33 Guilders 32
4 / 1682 French Bordeaux Wine Fransche Bordeauxwijn tun 84.00 Guilders 37
4 / 1682 Native Tobacco leaves Inlandsche Tabaksbladen 100 pounds 16.00 Guilders 82
4 / 1682 Native Wax Inlandsche Was 100 pounds 72.75 Guilders 10
4 / 1682 New English Saffron Nieuw Engelsch Saffraan pound 18.50 Guilders 69
4 / 1682 Pernambuco Wood Pernambuco Hout 100 pounds 34.00 Guilders 77
4 / 1682 Preserved Ginger of the East India Co. Geconfijte Compagnies Gember Pound 0.54 Guilders 28
4 / 1682 Rape-oil Raapolie aum 34.00 Guilders 88
4 / 1682 Refined Borax Geraffineerde Borax pound 0.73 Guilders 50
4 / 1682 Refined Camphor Geraffineerde Kamfer pound 5.50 Guilders 57
4 / 1682 Roman Alum Roomsch Aluin 100 pounds 10.50 Guilders 3
4 / 1682 Aix-la-Chapelle Kettles Ketels van Aken 100 pounds 58.00 Guilders
4 / 1682 Amsterdam Civet Amsterdamsche Civet ounce 15.00 Guilders
4 / 1682 Ardasse Silk Ardassette Zijde pound 7.35 Guilders
4 / 1682 Baltic Tallow Oostersche Talk 100 pounds 15.50 Guilders
11 / 1682 Black Folded Latten Zwart Gevouwen Latoen 100 pounds 60.00 Guilders
4 / 1682 Bologna Organzine Bologneesche Organsijn pound 18.75 Guilders
4 / 1682 Brass-Wire Koperdraad 100 pounds 55.00 Guilders
4 / 1682 Bullets Kogels ship-pound 9.00 Guilders
4 / 1682 Card-Thread (Maestricht) Kaardendraad (Maastrichtsch) 100 pounds 30.00 Guilders
4 / 1682 Cinnamon of the East India Co. Compagnies Kaneel pound 3.13 Guilders
4 / 1682 Currants Krenten 100 pounds 14.50 Guilders
4 / 1682 Cyprus Cotton Cypersche Katoen pound 0.56 Guilders
4 / 1682 Danish Hides Deensche Huiden pound 0.27 Guilders
4 / 1682 English Block-tin Engelsch Bloktin 100 pounds 46.00 Guilders
4 / 1682 Fine Grey Pommeranian Wool Fijne Grijze Pommersche Wol 100 pounds 39.50 Guilders
4 / 1682 First quality Molina and Castilian wool Prima Molina en Castilla wol pound 1.05 Guilders
4 / 1682 First quality Segovia wool Prima Segovia wol pound 1.48 Guilders
4 / 1682 French Wine of the Highlands Fransche Hooglandsche Wijn tun 132.00 Guilders
4 / 1682 Frisian Winter-Barley Friesche Wintergerst last 86.10 Guilders
4 / 1682 Full Herring Volle Haring last 100.00 Guilders 19
4 / 1682 Gatimalo Indigo Guatimalo Indigo pound 2.10 Guilders 48
4 / 1682 Genoese Oil Genueesche Olie tun 426.00 Guilders 36
4 / 1682 German Tartar Duitsche Wijnsteen 100 pounds 19.50 Guilders 2
4 / 1682 Gunpowder Buskruit 100 pounds 26.50 Guilders 8
4 / 1682 Hamburg Sheet-copper Hamburgsch Bladkoper 100 pounds 65.00 Guilders 25
4 / 1682 Iron-Wire Ijerdraad 100 pounds 1.60 Guilders
4 / 1682 Konigsberg Rye Koningsberger rogge last 83.06 Guilders
4 / 1682 Konigsberg wheat Koningsberger tarwe last 136.50 Guilders
4 / 1682 Lemons Citroenen 100 pounds 35.00 Guilders
4 / 1682 Leyden Black Naturel Serges, 5 Seals Leidsche Zwarte Naturel Saaien, 5 Looden piece 26.40 Guilders
4 / 1682 Leyden Bombasines, Overlookers Leidsche Bombazijnen, Overkijkers piece 16.50 Guilders
4 / 1682 Leyden Bombasines, Reduced Overlookers Leidsche Bombazijnen, Vervallen Overkijkers piece 15.50 Guilders
4 / 1682 Leyden Double Gentlemen's Crown Serges Leidsche Dubbele Heerensaaien Kronen piece 65.00 Guilders
4 / 1682 Leyden Double Gentlemen's Crown Serges, 1 Seal Leidsche Dubbele Heerensaaien Kronen, 1 Lood piece 33.00 Guilders
4 / 1682 Leyden Double Gentlemen's Crown Serges, Reduced Leidsche Dubbele Heerensaaien Kronen, Vervallen piece 63.00 Guilders
4 / 1682 Leyden Double Gentlemen's Crown Serges, Reduced, 2 Seals Leidsche Dubbele Heerensaaien Kronen, Vervallen, 2 Looden piece 36.25 Guilders