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Currency Exchanges (Spufford)

Contains all currency exchange quotations compiled by Peter Spufford and published in his Handbook of Medieval Exchange (London, 1986).

More: About the Currency Exchange (Spufford) Data Set

13197 matches of 13197 were found for your query.

Place Date (start) Date (end) Type of Exchange Currency (From) Amount (From) Currency (To) Amount (To) Notes Source
Curia 1326 Bill of exchange Florence, florin of 1 Venice, grosso of 24 53 439
Curia 1326 Bill of exchange Florence, florin of 1 Venice, grosso of 25 53 439
Pisa-Venice 1326.02.18 Bill of exchange Florence, florin of 1 Venice, grosso of 24.25 53 298
Castello Venezia 1333 1335 Bill of exchange Florence, florin of 1 Venice, grosso of 24 53 226
Venice 1339.03.20 Commercial Florence, florin of 1 Venice, grosso of circa 24.33 53 334
Jerusalem 1344.05 Accounting Florence, florin of 1 Venice, grosso of 18 53 11
Jerusalem 1346 spring Accounting Florence, florin of 1 Venice, grosso of 18 53 11
Venice 1284 1285 Official Venice, ducat of 1 Venice, grosso of 18 53 345
Venice 1284 1286 Accounting Venice, ducat of 1 Venice, grosso of 20 53 284
Venice 1284 1286 Accounting Venice, ducat of 1 Venice, grosso of 19 53 284
Venice 1285.05.03 Official Venice, ducat of 1 Venice, grosso of 18.33 53 284
Venice 1290 Accounting Venice, ducat of 1 Venice, grosso of 18.5 53 284
Venice 1292 1298 Accounting Venice, ducat of 1 Venice, grosso of 20 53 284
Venice 13th c. end Recalculated Venice, ducat of 1 Venice, grosso of 18 - 20 53 180
Venice 1305 1310 Commercial Venice, ducat of 1 Venice, grosso of 24 53 345
Venice 1305 1310 Official Venice, ducat of 1 Venice, grosso of 18.5 53 345
Venice 1305 1325 Commercial Venice, ducat of 1 Venice, grosso of 24 53 409
Venice 1314.06 1314.12 Commercial Venice, ducat of 1 Venice, grosso of 28 53 345
Venice 1328 Commercial Venice, ducat of 1 Venice, grosso of 22 53 409
Venice 1328 Official Venice, ducat of 1 Venice, grosso of 24 53 345
Venice 1328 Commercial Venice, ducat of 1 Venice, grosso of 20 53 409
Venice 1362.01.02 Official Venice, ducat of 1 Venice, grosso novo of 18 53 101
Jerusalem 1384.10.09 Accounting Venice, ducat of 1 Venice, grosso of 18 53 11
Venice 1458.05.08 Accounting Venice, ducat of 1 Venice, grosso novo of 28 53 11
Levant 1458.06.08 Accounting Venice, ducat of 1 Venice, grosso of 24 - 26 53 11
Lucca 1230.11.27 Accounting Venice, lira di grossi (perhaps) of 1 Lucca, lira of 12.5 53 48
Viterbo 1278.03.01 Commercial Venice, grosso of 1 Cortona, denaro of 30 53 108
Rome 1285 Commercial Venice, grosso of 1 Rome, denaro provisino of 16 53 401
Rome 1290 Bill of exchange Venice, grosso of 1 Ravenna, denaro of 17 53 439
Padua 1294.02.26 Commercial Venice, grosso of 1 Verona, denaro piccolo of 28 53 118
London 1217.11.15 1218.02.06 Manual Venice, lira di grossi of 1 England, shilling sterling of 30 53 392
Venice-Florence 1383.11.07 Bill of exchange Venice, lira di grossi of 1 Florence, lira affiorino of 14.93 54 284
Venice-Florence 1384.01.07 Bill of exchange Venice, lira di grossi of 1 Florence, lira affiorino of 14.96 54 284
Venice-Florence 1384.02.13 Bill of exchange Venice, lira di grossi of 1 Florence, lira affiorino of 14.98 54 284
Venice-Florence 1384.03.26 Bill of exchange Venice, lira di grossi of 1 Florence, lira affiorino of 14.95 54 284
Venice-Florence 1384.04.15 Bill of exchange Venice, lira di grossi of 1 Florence, lira affiorino of 14.98 54 284
Venice-Florence 1384.05.02 Bill of exchange Venice, lira di grossi of 1 Florence, lira affiorino of 14.95 54 284
Venice-Florence 1384.06.07 Bill of exchange Venice, lira di grossi of 1 Florence, lira affiorino of 14.85 54 284
Venice-Florence 1384.07.07 Bill of exchange Venice, lira di grossi of 1 Florence, lira affiorino of 14.96 54 284
Venice-Florence 1384.08.05 Bill of exchange Venice, lira di grossi of 1 Florence, lira affiorino of 15 54 284
Venice-Florence 1384.09.15 Bill of exchange Venice, lira di grossi of 1 Florence, lira affiorino of 14.98 54 284
Venice-Florence 1384.10.04 Bill of exchange Venice, lira di grossi of 1 Florence, lira affiorino of 14.9 54 284
Venice-Florence 1384.11.02 Bill of exchange Venice, lira di grossi of 1 Florence, lira affiorino of 14.9 54 284
Venice-Florence 1384.12.03 Bill of exchange Venice, lira di grossi of 1 Florence, lira affiorino of 14.75 54 284
Venice-Florence 1385.01.06 Bill of exchange Venice, lira di grossi of 1 Florence, lira affiorino of 14.91 54 284
Venice-Florence 1385.02.10 Bill of exchange Venice, lira di grossi of 1 Florence, lira affiorino of 14.89 54 284
Venice-Florence 1385.03.02 Bill of exchange Venice, lira di grossi of 1 Florence, lira affiorino of 15.08 54 284
Venice-Florence 1385.04.08 Bill of exchange Venice, lira di grossi of 1 Florence, lira affiorino of 15.14 54 284
Venice-Florence 1385.05.04 Bill of exchange Venice, lira di grossi of 1 Florence, lira affiorino of 15.25 54 284
Venice-Florence 1385.06.02 Bill of exchange Venice, lira di grossi of 1 Florence, lira affiorino of 15.18 54 284