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Currency Exchanges (Spufford)

Contains all currency exchange quotations compiled by Peter Spufford and published in his Handbook of Medieval Exchange (London, 1986).

More: About the Currency Exchange (Spufford) Data Set

13197 matches of 13197 were found for your query.

Place Date (start) Date (end) Type of Exchange Currency (From) Amount (From) Currency (To) Amount (To) Notes Source
Bordeaux 1355 1361 Accounting England, pound sterling of 1 Bordeaux, sou bordelais or burdagalensis, bonne, of 100 168 88
Gascony 1356.07 Official England, pound sterling of 1 Bordeaux, sou bordelais or burdagalensis of 67.67 168 406
Gascony 1357 Official England, pound sterling of 1 Bordeaux, sou bordelais or burdagalensis of 100 168 406
Bordeaux (archbishop) 1361 1378 Accounting England, pound sterling of 1 Bordeaux, sou bordelais or burdagalensis of 100 169 406
Gascony 1361.10 Official England, pound sterling of 1 Bordeaux, sou bordelais or burdagalensis of 100 168 88
Bordeaux 1368.05.01 Official England, pound sterling of 1 Bordeaux, sou bordelais or burdagalensis of 100 169 84
London 1401 1413 Accounting England, pound sterling of 1 Bordeaux, sou bordelais or burdagalensis of 150 169 493
London 1413 1418 Accounting England, pound sterling of 1 Bordeaux, sou bordelais or burdagalensis of 200 169 493
England 1417 Commercial England, pound sterling of 1 Bordeaux, sou bordelais or burdagalensis of 100 169 399
London 1418 1419 Accounting England, pound sterling of 1 Bordeaux, sou bordelais or burdagalensis of 200 169 493
London 1419 1423 Accounting England, pound sterling of 1 Bordeaux, sou bordelais or burdagalensis of 200 169 493
London 1423 1427 Accounting England, pound sterling of 1 Bordeaux, sou bordelais or burdagalensis of 200 169 493
London 1427 1431 Accounting England, pound sterling of 1 Bordeaux, sou bordelais or burdagalensis of 200 169 493
London 1431 1435 Accounting England, pound sterling of 1 Bordeaux, sou bordelais or burdagalensis of 200 169 493
London 1435 1439 Accounting England, pound sterling of 1 Bordeaux, sou bordelais or burdagalensis of 200 169 493
London 1442 1446 Accounting England, pound sterling of 1 Bordeaux, sou bordelais or burdagalensis of 255 169 493
London 1446 1451 Accounting England, pound sterling of 1 Bordeaux, sou bordelais or burdagalensis of 255 169 493
London 1452 1453 Accounting England, pound sterling of 1 Bordeaux, sou bordelais or burdagalensis of 255 169 493
Bordeaux 1290 Accounting England, pound sterling of 1 Bigorre, livre chapotensis of 5.5 158 485
Bordeaux 1310 Accounting England, pound sterling of 1 Bigorre, livre chapotensis of 8 158 162
Bordeaux 1312 Accounting England, pound sterling of 1 Bigorre, livre chapotensis of 8 158 485
Curia (uncertain) 1313.10.28 1317 Accounting England, pound sterling of 1 Bigorre, livre chapotensis of 5 158 69
Lucca 1230.01.26 Accounting England, pound sterling of 1 Lucca, soldo of 180.42 158 48
Rome 1285 Commercial England, pound sterling (old) of 1 Rome, soldo provisino of 160 158 401
Rome 1285 Commercial England, pound sterling (new) of 1 Rome, soldo provisino of 200 158 401
Genoa 1252.03.06 Bill of exchange England, pound sterling of 1 Genoa, soldo of 98.69 158 154
Genoa 1253.03.26 Bill of exchange England, pound sterling of 1 Genoa, soldo of 117 158 154
Piedmont 1284 Accounting England, pound sterling of 1 Vienne, sou of 100 158 110
Piedmont 1301 Accounting England, pound sterling of 1 Vienne, sou of 105 158 110
Marseilles 1244 Commercial England, pound sterling of 1 Melgueil, sou melgorian of 49.19 158 43
England 13th Commercial England, pound sterling of 1 Champagne, sou provinois of 88.5 158 443
Troyes 1262.09.04 Bill of exchange England, pound sterling of 1 Champagne, sou provinois of 90 158 374
Troyes 1262.09.04 Bill of exchange England, pound sterling of 1 Champagne, sou provinois of 88.42 158 374
Curia 1285 Bill of exchange England, pound sterling of 1 Champagne, sou provinois of 180 158 439
France 1265 Official England, pound sterling of 1 France, parisis, sou of 90 158 430
Calais 1268 1279 Commercial England, pound sterling of 1 France, parisis, sou of 65 158 62
Calais 1269 1271 Commercial England, pound sterling of 1 France, parisis, sou of 64 158 62
France 1285 Commercial England, pound sterling of 1 France, parisis, sou of 66.79 158 22
Calais 1286 1290 Commercial England, pound sterling of 1 France, parisis, sou of 70 158 62
Calais 1295 1296 Commercial England, pound sterling of 1 France, parisis, sou of 65 158 62
Calais 1297 Commercial England, pound sterling of 1 France, parisis, sou of 65 158 62
France 1299 Commercial England, pound sterling of 1 France, parisis, sou of 64 158 185
France 1299 Commercial England, pound sterling of 1 France, parisis, sou of 66.67 158 185
Italy 1204 Bill of exchange England, pound sterling of 1 France, tournois, sou of 80 158 385
England 1228 Commercial England, pound sterling of 1 France, tournois, sou of 80 158 79
England 1233 Commercial England, pound sterling of 1 France, tournois, sou of 75 158 79
Rome 1250 Bill of exchange England, pound sterling of 1 France, tournois, sou of 79.5 158 439
England 1255 Bill of exchange England, pound sterling of 1 France, tournois, sou of 80 158 310
France 1265 Commercial England, pound sterling of 1 France, tournois, sou of 80 158 258
France 1265 Commercial England, pound sterling of 1 France, tournois, sou of 90 158 258