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Grain Prices in Cologne 1531-1797 (Metz)

Grain prices as supplied by Rainer Metz and compiled for the printed edition of Dietrich Ebeling and Franz Irsigler, Getreideumsatz, Getreide- und Brotpreise in Köln, 1368-1797 (Köln, 1976).

For all quotations of grain prices and quantities, as well as bread prices and weights, see Dietrich Ebeling and Franz Irsigler, Getreideumsatz, Getreide- und Brotpreise in Köln, 1368-1797 (Köln, 1976), which provides a detailed explanation of the source material.

All data on price and quantity are drawn from sales of the weekly market in Cologne, which served as a trans-shipment hub for grain. Prices are weekly averages and quantities refer to volume sold during an entire week. The weeks in each month are numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. These data reflect, insofar as officials took care in recording them, the activities of a "free" market. The data from the seventeenth century should be used with special caution, because transactions from these years were often negligently recorded.

All prices are quoted in monies of account of Cologne, either in Gulden or Mark (1 Gulden = 4 Mark = 24 Albus = 288 Heller). For information about the bullion equivalents of these monies of account or their exchange rates, see the data set named Currency Exchanges (Metz).

39973 matches of 39973 were found for your query.
Year, between
Month, between
Week, between
Month / Week / Year: 1561
Product Number of Malters Sold Currency Price per Malter Month / Week / Year
Rye 1018 Mark 16.00 1/12/1561
Rye 683 Mark 16.17 2/12/1561
Rye Mark 16.17 3/12/1561
Rye 464 Mark 16.33 4/12/1561
Rye 532 Mark 16.33 5/12/1561
Wheat 640 Mark 16.50 1/1/1561
Wheat 640 Mark 16.50 2/1/1561
Wheat 478 Mark 16.00 3/1/1561
Wheat 371 Mark 15.67 4/1/1561
Wheat 655 Mark 15.67 5/1/1561
Wheat 310 Mark 16.00 1/2/1561
Wheat 96 Mark 15.83 2/2/1561
Wheat 115 Mark 15.83 3/2/1561
Wheat 315 Mark 16.33 4/2/1561
Wheat 439 Mark 16.17 1/3/1561
Wheat 264 Mark 16.17 2/3/1561
Wheat 535 Mark 16.17 3/3/1561
Wheat 254 Mark 15.83 4/3/1561
Wheat 254 Mark 15.83 1/4/1561
Wheat 255 Mark 15.83 2/4/1561
Wheat 295 Mark 15.83 3/4/1561
Wheat 410 Mark 15.83 4/4/1561
Wheat 264 Mark 15.50 5/4/1561
Wheat 396 Mark 15.83 1/5/1561
Wheat 220 Mark 16.00 2/5/1561
Wheat Mark 16.50 3/5/1561
Wheat Mark 16.50 4/5/1561
Wheat 311 Mark 16.67 1/6/1561
Wheat 367 Mark 16.33 2/6/1561
Wheat 493 Mark 16.17 3/6/1561
Wheat 436 Mark 16.25 4/6/1561
Wheat 255 Mark 15.83 1/7/1561
Wheat 137 Mark 15.83 2/7/1561
Wheat Mark 16.00 3/7/1561
Wheat 155 Mark 16.00 4/7/1561
Wheat 220 Mark 16.00 5/7/1561
Wheat Mark 16.17 1/8/1561
Wheat Mark 16.33 2/8/1561
Wheat 320 Mark 16.67 3/8/1561
Wheat 398 Mark 17.17 4/8/1561
Wheat 213 Mark 16.83 1/9/1561
Wheat 271 Mark 16.83 2/9/1561
Wheat 206 Mark 17.00 3/9/1561
Wheat 383 Mark 17.00 4/9/1561
Wheat 466 Mark 17.00 1/10/1561
Wheat 553 Mark 17.00 2/10/1561
Wheat 535 Mark 17.00 3/10/1561
Wheat 509 Mark 17.00 4/10/1561
Wheat 712 Mark 17.00 5/10/1561
Wheat 1067 Mark 16.83 1/11/1561